Summary: | A field trial was conducted to illustrate the dissipation and residue and assess the dietary intake risk of penthiopyrad in eggplants, and the distribution was further estimated after different household processing methods. Penthiopyrad dissipated quickly in eggplants, with half-lives of 1.85–2.56 days. The final residue data indicated that following the recommended spraying method, penthiopyrad would not threaten human health. Risk quotient results (<<100%) also demonstrated that the dietary intake risk of penthiopyrad in eggplants for Chinese consumers could be negligible. Washing, peeling and thermal treatments had significant removal effects on penthiopyrad from eggplants (0 < processing factor < 0.60). The characterization of the dissipation and distribution of penthiopyrad in field and processed eggplant samples could provide a more realistic reference for risk assessment of processed products, as well as some information for humans who may be exposed to penthiopyrad.