Summary: | Bedding material has a significant effect on life, health and production of broiler chicken since they are in direct
contact with litter. When condition of litter is poor, it increases an occurrence of pododermatitis. Birds living in chronic
pain move less and consequently eat and drink less and because of that their production is less efficient. The aim of
this review is to compare different bedding materials used in Europe and elsewhere in the world and to evaluate their
effects on production parameters, health and animal welfare. During the last years, a lot of research has been done
using both traditional and alternative bedding materials. A significant part of materials was evaluated as suitable or
improving production parameters. There is an evidence that at least one quarter of broiler chicken live in constant pain
due to footpad dermatitis, joint inflammations or other locomotory disorders for more than one third of their live. The
health of the locomotory system is the major challenge for improving poultry welfare. Several substrates can be used
as bedding material for poultry. In general, we can conclude that, the finer particles are the lower is the occurrence of
pododermatitis. However optimal bedding material must be able to absorb excess water but also to be dried properly.
Another important aspect of animal welfare is the opportunity to manifest their natural behaviour. Research clearly
shows that poultry prefer to perform dustbathing only in dry and dusty substrate.