Summary: | This work expands a previous block-partitioned quantum cellular automata (BQCA) model proposed by Brennen and Williams [Phys. Rev. A. 68, 042311 (2003)] to incorporate physically realistic error models. These include timing errors in the form of over- and under-rotations of quantum states during computational gate sequences, stochastic phase and bit flip errors, as well as undesired two-bit interactions occurring during single-bit gate portions of an update sequence. A compensation method to counteract the undesired pairwise interactions is proposed and investigated. Each of these error models is implemented using Monte Carlo simulations for stochastic errors and modifications to the prescribed gate sequences to account for coherent over-rotations. The impact of these various errors on the function of a QCA gate sequence is evaluated using the fidelity of the final state calculated for four quantum information processing protocols of interest: state transfer, state swap, GHZ state generation, and entangled pair generation.