Summary: | The mean cell sizes of specimens of human adipose tissue were determined on sectioned slices according to the method described by Sjöström et al. (J. Lipid Res. 1971. 12: 521–530) and on adipocytes isolated after treatment of the tissue with collagenase. The average mean cell sizes from 11 biopsy specimens were 94.4 and 94.0 μm, respectively (r = 0.964; P(tb) < 0.001; y = 0.90x + 9.74), for the two methods. There was no indication of an increased rupture of isolated large human adipose cells. Thus, with precautions (freshly siliconized glassware and omitting the centrifugation of the isolated cells), the collagenase method may be used for metabolic as well as morphologic studies of human adipose tissue.