Summary: | The existence of localized, approximately stationary, lumps of the classical gravitational and electromagnetic field – geons – was conjectured more than half a century ago. If one insists on exact stationarity, topologically trivial configurations in electro-vacuum are ruled out by no-go theorems for solitons. But stationary, asymptotically flat geons found a realization in scalar-vacuum, where everywhere non-singular, localized field lumps exist, known as (scalar) boson stars. Similar geons have subsequently been found in Einstein–Dirac theory and, more recently, in Einstein–Proca theory. We identify the common conditions that allow these solutions, which may also exist for other spin fields. Moreover, we present a comparison of spherically symmetric geons for the spin 0,1/2 and 1, emphasizing the mathematical similarities and clarifying the physical differences, particularly between the bosonic and fermionic cases. We clarify that for the fermionic case, Pauli's exclusion principle prevents a continuous family of solutions for a fixed field mass; rather only a discrete set exists, in contrast with the bosonic case.