Summary: | In 2018, the Ivanovo region celebrated its 100th anniversary. In 1918 it was created on the initiative of M.V. Frunze from the lands of the Vladimir and Kostroma provinces. Despite the fact that there were real prerequisites for the unification of the territories around Ivanovo-Voznesensk, the industrial textile center of that time, the issue of the local and regional identity of the residents of the new province / region always remained problematic. Even more seriously, these problems began to manifest themselves in the late1990s and early 2000s, when the question arose of consolidating a number of regions and joining the Ivanovo region to more economically strong regions. This discussion is still ongoing. Nevertheless, in the field of power in recent years, there has been a clear tendency to single out special features of the territory, drawing the attention of the federal center to the region. This article is devoted to the analysis of political decisions related to the construction of the regional identity of the Ivanovo region.