Summary: | Anthropology and hermeneutics, two disciplines separated in the 19th century, were combined in the 20th. According to them is man a being who interprets itself. This purely formal description has to be filled up with content. How man sees himself depends from the idea he has about himself. Today’s sociobiologists and primatologists stress only a quantity difference between men and apes. This frees human being from self-admiration. I’d like to propose such a idea of man that uses the figure of the hermeneutical circle. According to it the results of empirical sciences and of human’s self-understanding condition each other. The fact that we are a product of biological evolution dismiss the exceptionality of our self-consciousness, and vice versa: this consciousness does not eliminate our self-understanding as a product of evolution. The huge role in our becoming humans plays the pair: a man and a woman, joined in an erotic relations that results in transcending the purely biologicaldimension of reality.