Summary: | The class of natural exponential families (NEFs) of distributions having power variance functions (NEF-PVFs) is huge (uncountable), with enormous applications in various fields. Based on a characterization property that holds for the cumulants of the members of this class, we developed a novel goodness-of-fit (gof) test for testing whether a given random sample fits fixed members of this class. We derived the asymptotic null distribution of the test statistic and developed an appropriate bootstrap scheme. As the content of the paper is mainly theoretical, we exemplify its applicability to only a few elements of the NEF-PVF class, specifically, the gamma and modified Bessel-type NEFs. A Monte Carlo study was executed for examining the performance of both—the asymptotic test and the bootstrap counterpart—in controlling the type I error rate and evaluating their power performance in the special case of gamma, while real data examples demonstrate the applicability of the gof test to the modified Bessel distribution.