Summary: | In recent years, exoskeleton test methods for industrial exoskeletons have evolved to include simulated laboratory and field environments. Physiological, kinematic, and kinetic metrics, as well as subjective surveys, are used to evaluate exoskeleton usability. In particular, exoskeleton fit and usability can also impact the safety of exoskeletons and their effectiveness at reducing musculoskeletal injuries. This paper surveys the state of the art in measurement methods applied to exoskeleton evaluation. A notional classification of the metrics based on exoskeleton fit, task efficiency, comfort, mobility, and balance is proposed. In addition, the paper describes the test and measurement methods used in supporting the development of exoskeleton and exosuit evaluation methods to assess their fit, usability, and effectiveness in industrial tasks such as peg in hole, load align, and applied force. Finally, the paper includes a discussion of how the metrics can be applied towards a systematic evaluation of industrial exoskeletons, current measurement challenges, and future research directions.