Summary: | Historically, Pentecostals associate beauty with worldliness. Quest for power, not purity has been at the core of Pentecostal yearnings. Literature review in this article demonstrates that the wheel has made a ‘u-turn’ in this regard.. Aesthetics or beauty has become the hallmark of Pentecostal theology. Since the theme is new in the field, a systematic literature review methodology was employed in this study including academic journals, books and websites
references as the sources of the research findings. This paper demonstrates that beauty and justice are the themes in the modern Pentecostal theology, and that dogma is experienced rather than just an intellectual exercise. Apologetics is now embraced. Ethics shape morality to make faith attractive. With sacredness of life comes practical holiness, which unfortunately, among the Pentecostals, has led to ascetic and legalistic lifestyle. Justice is the expression of belief and is dogma in action. Sacralisation of space shows how Pentecostals are able to
transform spaces into atmosphere that stimulates worship. Beauty and justice are no more themes at loggerheads among the Pentecostals.