Summary: | Planet Earth is a very special spaceship that cannot land or dock anywhere for being refueled or repaired. We can only rely on the limited resources available on the spaceship and the energy coming from the Sun. The huge amounts of carbon dioxide produced by using fossil fuels in affluent countries has caused global warming, which is responsible for climate change. Ecological degradation of the planet is accompanied by an increased social disparity. As Pope Francis warns, we are faced with a complex crisis which is both social and environmental. Strategies for a solution demand an integrated approach to combating poverty and protecting nature. If we want to continue living on planet Earth, we must achieve the goals of ecological and social sustainability by implementing three transitions: from fossil fuels to renewable energies, from a linear to a circular economy, and from consumerism to sobriety. Science, but also consciousness, responsibility, compassion and care must be the roots of a new knowledge-based society.