Summary: | In natural languages, development is noted according to the same laws, no matter how large or small in the number of speakers the language may be. Archaization or the transition of vocabulary to a passive layer is a law common to all languages, depending on the process of development of society itself and going in parallel with it. Our work demonstrates the process of transition of active vocabulary into a passive layer in the minority Rutul language. The outdated vocabulary of the Rutul language has not been the subject of special analysis in the scientific literature, while such layers of vocabulary as livestock vocabulary and borrowed vocabulary, Proverbs, sayings, riddles, phraseology have received some consideration [Huseynova, 1988; Kuliyeva, 2008; Makhmudova, 2014; 2016; Suleymanova, 2018, etc.]. Meanwhile, the passive vocabulary in the language is a significant amount, since the ancient language was subject to changes due to political, economic, social, and cultural changes that occurred in the society that speaks this language.