Summary: | The purpose of this research is to produce thematic teaching materials supplementary for class IV Subtheme Let Love the Environment, with the material focus on environmental preservation. This research is the research and development with a model Dick and Carey consisting of ten stages. The subjects in this study were students and teachers of grade IV Elementary School Nogotirto. They are 2 students on individual testing, 8 students in the small group trial, and 30 students on field trials. The trial results demonstrate the feasibility of teaching materials is very high. Teaching materials produced had a level of validity by 87.45%, amounting to 94.43% of practicality, and effectiveness of 81.1%.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan suplemen bahan ajar tematik untuk kelas IV Subtema Ayo Cintai Lingkungan, fokus kajiannya materi pelestarian lingkungan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan menggunakan model Dick dan Carey yang terdiri atas sepuluh tahapan. Subjek penelitian yaitu guru dan siswa kelas IV SDN Nogotirto 2 siswa pada uji coba perorangan, 8 siswa pada uji coba kelompok kecil, dan 30 siswa pada uji coba lapangan. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan tingkat kelayakan bahan ajar yang sangat tinggi. Bahan ajar yang dihasilkan memiliki tingkat kevalidan sebesar 87,45%, kepraktisan sebesar 94,43%, dan keefektifan sebesar 81,1%.