要約: | The study is focused on micrometeorites from bottom sediments sampled from the Selenga-Buguldeika lintel of Lake Baikal. Their diatom analysis showed continuous sedimentation during the Holocene. Mineralogical analysis identified a complex of minerals, including micrometeorites, which amount to 0.6 % of the heavy fraction weight. A detailed study of the micrometeorites was carried out using a JXA8200 electron probe x-ray microanalyzer. It was established that their chemical composition is predominantly represented by Fe, O, C, and Zn, i.e. these are type 1 α-micrometeorites. Based on the difference in the chemical composition of the micrometeorites in the sedimentary strata section, it is proposed to refer to such micrometeorites not only for stratigraphic correlations, but also for impact stratigraphy schemes.