Summary: | A shallow-level monzodioritic to quartz-monzodioritic pluton of the Upper Cretaceous age caused contact metamorphism of Tithonic–Kimmeridgian reef limestones at Măgureaua Vaţei (Metaliferi Massif, Apuseni Mountains, Romania). The preserved peak metamorphic assemblage includes gehlenite (Ak 33.64–38.13), monticellite, wollastonite-2<i>M</i>, Ti-poor calcic garnet, and Ca-Tschermak diopside (with up to 11.15 mol.% Ca-Tschermak molecule). From the monzodioritic body to the calcitic marble, the periplutonic zoning can be described as: monzodiorite/agpaitic syenite-like inner endoskarn/wollastonite + perovskite + Ti-poor grossular + Al-rich diopside/wollastonite + Ti-poor grossular + diopside + vesuvianite/gehlenite + wollastonite + Ti poor grossular + Ti-rich grossular (outer endoskarn)/wollastonite + vesuvianite + garnet (inner exoskarn)/wollastonite + Ti-rich garnet + vesuvianite + diopside (outer exoskarn)/calcitic marble. Three generations of Ca garnets could be identified, as follows: (1) Ti-poor grossular (Grs 53.51–81.03 mol.%) in equilibrium with gehlenite; (2) Ti-rich grossular (Grs 51.13–53.47 mol.%, with up to 19.97 mol.% morimotoite in solid solution); and (3) titanian andradite (Grs 32.70–45.85 mol.%), with up to 29.15 mol.% morimotoite in solid solution. An early hydrothermal stage produced retrogression of the peak paragenesis toward vesuvianite, hydroxylellestadite (or Si-substituted apatite), clinochlore, “hibschite” (H<sub>4</sub>O<sub>4</sub>-substituted grossular). A late hydrothermal event induced the formation of lizardite, chrysotile, dickite, thaumasite, okenite and tobermorite. A weathering paragenesis includes allophane, C-S-H gels and probably portlandite, unpreserved because of its transformation in aragonite then calcite. Overprints of these late events on the primary zoning are quite limited.