Summary: | <h4>Introduction</h4>Food insecurity is prevalent in the U.S. and is associated with deleterious health, behavioral, and social consequences. Food insecurity is currently addressed largely through public and private food assistance programs (e.g., the Supplementary Nutrition Assistance Program, and food pantries). A body of research has explored racial and ethnic disparities and differences in food insecurity and coping strategies. However, limited literature has explored these experiences among Asian Americans and Asian origin groups in the United States.<h4>Objective</h4>The aim of this review is to establish what is known about the experience of food insecurity and nutrition program participation in the Asian American population and among Asian origin groups and to suggest further research and policy action to better address food insecurity in this population.<h4>Methods</h4>Our review is guided by the methodological framework proposed by Arksey and O'Malley and refined and outlined by Levac and colleagues and the Joanna Briggs Institute. We will search key terms related to food insecurity and Asian Americans in Medline (Ovid), the Cochrane Library (Wiley), CINAHL Plus with Full Text (Ebsco), PsycINFO (Ebsco), and Scopus (Elsevier). An article will be included if it was published in the English language; is a peer reviewed research manuscript and reports primary research findings from analyses; and describes food insecurity or strategies to cope with food insecurity among individuals of Asian origins living in the U.S. An article will be excluded if it is a book, conference proceedings, or grey literature (e.g., thesis or dissertation); is a commentary, editorial, or opinion piece without primary research data; contains only research conducted outside of the U.S.; includes Asians in the sample but does not provide separate data on food insecurity or strategies to cope with food insecurity among Asians; and describes only dietary changes or patterns but not food insecurity. Two or more reviewers will participate in the study screening and selection process. We will record information from the final articles chosen to be included in the review in a data table template and will also prepare a summary narrative with key findings.<h4>Expected outputs</h4>Results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations. The findings from this review will be of interest to researchers and practitioners and inform further research and policy to better address food insecurity among this population.