Summary: | Let Λ = {λ1, λ2, . . ., λn} be a list of complex numbers. Λ is said to be realizable if it is the spectrum of an entrywise nonnegative matrix. Λ is universally realizable if it is realizable for each possible Jordan canonical form allowed by Λ. Minc ([21],1981) showed that if Λ is diagonalizably positively realizable, then Λ is universally realizable. The positivity condition is essential for the proof of Minc, and the question whether the result holds for nonnegative realizations has been open for almost forty years. Recently, two extensions of the Minc’s result have been proved in ([5], 2018) and ([12], 2020). In this work we characterize new left half-plane lists (λ1 > 0, Re λi ≤ 0, i = 2, . . ., n) no positively realizable, which are universally realizable. We also show new criteria which allow to decide about the universal realizability of more general lists, extending in this way some previous results.