Summary: | Plant species recognition using leaf images is a highly important and challenging issue in botany and pattern recognition. A center problem of this task is how to accurately extract leaf image characteristics and quickly calculate the similarity between them. This article presents a new shape description approach called triangle-distance representation (TDR) for plant leaf recognition. The TDR descriptor is represented by two matrices: a sign matrix and a triangle center distance matrix. The sign matrix is used to characterize the convex/concave property of a shape contour, while the triangle center distance matrix is used to represent the bending degree and spatial information of a shape contour. This method can effectively capture the detailed and global characteristics of a leaf shape while keeping the similarity transformations (translation, rotation, and scaling) unchanged. In addition, this method is quite compact and has low computational complexity. We tested our method on four standard plant leaf datasets, including the famous Swedish, Smithsonian, Flavia, and ImageCLEF2012 datasets. The results confirm that our approach exceeds the prior state-of-the-art shape-based plant leaf recognition approaches. An extra experiment on the MPEG-7 shape dataset further shows that our method can be applied to general shape recognition.