Summary: | 本研究從多元文化教育的核心概念─「差異與相同」出發,以《其實你我都一樣!Nillepu》和《橘色奇蹟》兩繪本為例,論析其內涵、特色與意義,並說明其在課程與教學上的應用。在繪本的內涵上,係就主題、人物、情節、圖畫及語文技巧等五個元素分析;在繪本的特性上,就可讀性、趣味性、經驗性、隱喻性,以及創造與想像性等五個向度分析;最後,在繪本的意義上,則就理性的啟發與心靈的觸動兩層面分析。本研究結論指出,《其實你我都一樣!Nillepu》從差異中彰顯相同,有助於增進人與人之間的互利共生關係;《橘色奇蹟》從相同中彰顯差異,並呈現個人的主體性並不妨礙群體的認同,有助於協助讀者建立獨特性與主體性。在繪本特性上,兩書均呈現可讀性、趣味性、經驗性、隱喻性,以及創造與想像性,都是兼具理性和感性的好書。在課程與教學設計上,可從學習者經驗出發,扣緊故事軸線發展教學活動;藉由三層次的反省,逐步導入上位的差異和相同的概念。最後,本研究提出具體建議,讓繪本在課程與教學上發揮更大的作用。
Based on a core concept of the multicultural education – “Differences and similarities,” this article analyzes two picture books: Nillepu and The Big Orange Splot to explore their connotation, characteristics and significances. Further, it provides examples for applying these two picture books to the curriculum and instruction for new immigrants.
In terms of the connotation of the picture books, it is analyzed by their themes, characters, plots, pictures and language skills. In terms of their characteristics, it is analyzed by the books’ readability, interest, experience, metaphors, and creation and imagination. At last, through the examination of their rational inspiration and spiritual sympathy comes to the significances of the books. The conclusions are as follows. Nillepus shows that beyond differences on the surface, people are the same. Thus, this book helps to promote people’s mutually beneficial and symbiotic relationship. The Big Orange Splot shows that people can break through sameness to live with differences, and individual’s subjectivity does not interfere with group’s identity. This book thus helps to assist readers to create their uniqueness and subjectivity. In terms of the characteristics, these two books are readable, funny, experiential, metaphorical, and creative and imaginative as well. Both of them are very rational and emotional. In terms of curricular and instructional design, one can start from learners’ experiences and then follow story axes to develop their instructional activities. Through three levels of reflection, instructor can gradually lead discussions into upper concepts of the difference and sameness. Finally, this article also provides suggestions to make picture books play a greater role in curriculum and instruction.