Summary: | Back-streaming neutrons through the incoming proton channel at the spallation target station of China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) were exploited to build a white neutron beam line (the so-called Back-n). With a proton beam of 100 kW in beam power and 1.6 GeV in kinetic energy and a thick tungsten target and modest moderation by the cooling water through the target slices, the neutron beam is very intense which is in the order of 7.0×106 n/cm2/s at 77 m from the target and has an excellent energy spectrum spanning from 0.5 eV to 200 MeV. In addition, the time resolution related to the time-of-flight measurements is very good for neutron energy determination. Altogether, it makes the CSNS Back-n one of the best white neutron sources in the world and very suitable for nuclear data measurements, especially for neutron-induced cross-section measurements. Since the completion of the Back-n beamline and four physics spectrometers in March 2018, the first batches of experiments on nuclear data measurements have been carried out, which are summarized in this article.