Summary: | At present investigation of the regional history, which is an element of all-Russian and world processes, has acquired particular relevance, as it makes it possible to soak up the national culture, form national identity, and preserve socio-cultural values and traditions of the people. Relations between the Circassians and the Crimean Khanate developed during the 15th - 18th centuries and were ambiguous. The research considers the features of the dynamic, contradictory relations of the Circassians (the Adyghs) with the Crimean Khanate. In the research an attempt has been made to characterize the methods of spreading influence in Circassia used by the Ottoman Empire government and the khans of the Girey dynasty. Considerable attention is paid to military aggression, and, to diametrically opposed mechanisms for regulating relations between the Circassians and the Crimean Khanate, such as atalism and dynastic marriages of the Crimean khans and the Circassian girls. The article uses chronological problematic, idiographic and retrospective methods of historical knowledge. The author concludes that Circassia occupied a special place in the foreign policy of the Crimean Khanate. Specific nature of the relationships based on a mutual desire to stabilize them, consisted in the use of various methods of achievement.