Summary: | Periodic daily fluctuating demand for energy and power is a perceptible phenomenon, resulting in some moments of low demand for power and energy related to the huge energy comes from renewable energy systems, and some moments of peak load demand. This phenomenon, when combined with the non-stationary operation of huge capacity of renewable energy systems, results in no stability of voltage and frequency. To assure continuous network stability and to avoid energy losses from renewable energy systems that are subject to such control system, a hybrid system with energy–power storage in the form of pumped-hydro storage is considered the most suitable technically. This paper presents the design, modeling, analysis, and feasibility study of a hybrid wind and water-pumping storage system. The system was designed and analyzed for King Talal Dam (KTD), which is in Northern Jordan. The importance of this study is that it is directed mainly to Jordan and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in general. The Jordanian renewable energy market is a promising arena that encourages developers, investors, engineers, and companies to develop and install pure renewable energy systems and renewable energy hybrid projects for the generation of electricity. The analysis of wind data is carried out using the “windfarm” software with 5.16 m/s as average wind speed. It is followed by the design of the hybrid system, which is simulated for a daily operation of 2–3 h as peak load hours. Based on the technical outcomes, cost study and feasibility analyses are carried out with Jordanian market prices. The total estimated annual energy production is 26,663,933 kWh from 10 MW wind farm and 5.2 MW pumping storage system. The aforementioned studies showed that a similar hybrid system is not always fully commercially feasible. However, a pure pumped-storage system proved to be technically feasible and assisting the grid. The whole project analysis determines that such a system boosts the operational stability of the grid, increases the penetration of renewable energy systems and reduces the energy import. In addition, 15,100,000 tons of CO<sub>2</sub>-equivalent is estimated as annual emissions reduction in this study.