Summary: | The lack of transparency of powerful Machine Learning systems paired with their growth in popularity over the last decade led to the emergence of the eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) field. Instead of focusing solely on obtaining highly performing models, researchers also develop explanation techniques that help better understand the system’s reasoning for a particular output. An explainable system can be designed, developed, and evaluated from different perspectives, which enables researchers from different disciplines to work together on this topic. However, the multidisciplinary nature of XAI systems creates new challenges for condensing and structuring adequate methodologies to design and evaluate such systems. This paper presents a survey of Human-centred and Computer-centred methods to evaluate XAI systems. We propose a new taxonomy to categorize XAI evaluation methods more clearly and intuitively. This categorization gathers knowledge from different disciplines and organizes the evaluation methods according to a set of categories that represent key properties of XAI systems. Possible ways to use the proposed taxonomy in the design and evaluation of XAI systems are also discussed, alongside with some concluding remarks and future directions of research.