Summary: | In 1964, an understated exhibition celebrated Viollet-le-Duc 150th birthday in Paris. In 1979-1980, many events celebrated the centenary of the architect’s death. One of them is a big monographic exhibition in the Grand Palais in Paris. These two Parisian events are the milestones of a “Viollet-le-Duc time” and were the opportunity of monographic researches on his work. Indeed, in the first part of the 20th century, he is victim of many violent attacks, in particular about his restorations on historical monuments and his reasoning on gothic architecture, considered pseudo-scientific. These attacks leaved untold his rationalist theory. At first, Viollet-le-Duc come back shyly, but, the reassessment of the international style is one of the dynamics allowing the architect review. Besides, the structuralists thought enters architecture and the researche of the neo-rationalist movement contributes, with historical work, to the recovery of Viollet-le-Duc in a complete state.