Serbs, the craziest of all – TV comedy show "Кursadžije" by Grand Production

This pa­per is the re­sult of re­se­arch do­ne on the TV co­medy show (se­ri­es) "Kur­sad­ži­je" by Grand Pro­duc­tion. The at­ten­tion is di­rec­ted to­wards un­der­stan­ding the mo­ti­ves of the Fool (buf­foon) which ap­pe­ars as the cha­rac­te­ri­stic of the main cha­rac­ters in the sho...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Marija Krstić
Format: Article
Published: University of Belgrade 2009-06-01
Series:Etnoantropološki Problemi
Online Access:
Summary:This pa­per is the re­sult of re­se­arch do­ne on the TV co­medy show (se­ri­es) "Kur­sad­ži­je" by Grand Pro­duc­tion. The at­ten­tion is di­rec­ted to­wards un­der­stan­ding the mo­ti­ves of the Fool (buf­foon) which ap­pe­ars as the cha­rac­te­ri­stic of the main cha­rac­ters in the show. Kur­sad­ži­je (a ro­ugh tran­sla­tion wo­uld be Co­ur­se-at­ten­ding-pe­o­ple) are at­ten­dants of a co­ur­se for Spe­cial Bal­kan For­ces and they are the re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the co­un­tri­es that con­sti­tu­ted the for­mer So­ci­a­li­stic Fe­de­ra­ti­ve Re­pu­blic of Yugo­sla­via.   By using the the­o­re­tic gu­i­de­li­nes of Klap­pe’s abo­ut the Fool as a so­cial type, and the analysis of V.Tri­fu­no­vic, I will de­mon­stra­te why all of the Kur­sad­ži­ja’s are Fools and how they are dif­fe­rent one from the ot­her ba­sed on the­ir dif­fe­rent fol­li­es (buf­fo­o­nery, cra­zi­ness). Ha­ving in mind that this is a Ser­bian TV show and that the Ser­bian at­ten­dant of that co­ur­se, Ged­ža Crazy Mi­loj­ko (the Ame­ri­can equ­i­va­lent of Ged­ža co­uld be Red­neck or Hill­billy), is the only one who has the term "Crazy" (Fool) in his na­me, I will par­ti­cu­larly pay at­ten­tion to the mo­ti­ve of "Ser­bian cra­zi­ness", and exa­mi­ne is it a way to  emp­ha­si­ze how spe­cial the Serbs are, how uni­que and un­be­a­tably exo­tic, i.e., why is the "Ser­bian cra­zi­ness" va­lued as a po­si­ti­ve one.