Summary: | Quantum satellite networking is central to enabling quantum key distribution (QKD) and quantum-state transfer. Delving into the synergistic relations of quantum technology and satellite communications, we elucidate on continuous variable and discrete variable QKD schemes, and the strategic selection of satellite orbits for optimal QKD. The prospects and possibilities of the integration of software-defined networking into this paradigm showcases a fusion of traditional and quantum communication methods. In the context of continuous variable quantum systems, a comparative discussion on Gaussian and non-Gaussian paradigms is presented, emphasizing their distinct characteristics crucial for satellite-assisted quantum networks. Moreover, we underscore the role of quantum computing in bolstering the security of satellite information networks, emphasizing the importance of delay reduction for the connection of Internet of Things (IoT) devices to satellite networks. Lastly, we propose potential domains ripe for future exploration in this burgeoning field.