Summary: | Human knowledge is created and expanded through social interaction between tacit and explicit knowledge, which is called knowledge conversion. Thus, there are four forms of knowledge conversion: socialization, externalization, combination and internalization. This case study seeks to investigate the configuration of the knowledge conversion process on Catarinian higher education institutions. Through this research, it was discovered that there are four major factors and which ensure the generation and dissemination of knowledge in ACAFE, they are: creation of ad hoc groups formed to standardize procedures and to obtain joint actions, decisions are taken collegially recording assignments and responsibilities for each institution, the interaction and communication among members of sectoral chambers is by way of electronic lists to exchange information and experiences, and their own internal sources are the main sources of information and knowledge for technological development. It was perceived that ACAFE is at an advanced stage in the management of this knowledge, it is needed to strengthen the knowledge obtained outside the ACAFE considered in developing strategies, as well as safety and security of the knowledge developed and/or acquired.