Summary: | The Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) has suffered massive destruction in recent years, mainly due tothe expansion of agricultural areas. Many remnants of this vegetation are still poorly studied. Therefore, thepurpose of this study was to carry out a floristic survey in a remnant of Cerrado in the municipality of Pratânia,central-west region of state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. In total, 120 species (38 families, 88 genera) wereregistered. The families with greater richness were: Fabaceae (23 species), Asteraceae (15), Myrtaceae (10),Malpighiaceae and Rubiaceae (seven each) and Bignoniaceae (five). The shrub component was predominant inthe study area representing 37.5 % of the recorded species. A comparison among eight Cerrado areas showedgreater similarity between areas with similar altitude.