Summary: | Groundwater resources in the southwestern United States are finite and riparian and wetland areas are vulnerable to aquifer overdraft and unregulated groundwater use. Environmental isotopes and water chemistry were used to distinguish water types, recharge mechanisms, and residence time along several reaches of the Sonoyta River and Quitobaquito Springs located near the U.S.-Mexico border. Areas located upgradient from the Sonoyta River, such as the Puerto Blanco Mountains and La Abra Plain, are supported by local recharge which corresponds to water from the largest 30% of rain events mainly occurring during winter. For Quitobaquito Springs, the δ<sup>18</sup>O and δ<sup>2</sup>H values are too low to be derived from local recharge. Stable isotope data and Cl/SO<sub>4</sub> mass ratios indicate that the Sonoyta River supplied Quitobaquito Springs through flow along a suggested fault system. Based on these results, Quitobaquito Springs flow could be diminished by any activity resulting in increased groundwater extraction and lowering of water elevations in the Sonoyta River regional aquifer.