Summary: | For children from the Traveler communities, French is a second language-culture or even a foreign one. Given the high rate of illiteracy, and the low rate of schooling among children from the Traveler communities, the sociocultural insertion of people from the Traveler communities is of central importance. The languages-cultures of the Traveler communities being mainly orally transmitted, the use of gestures and gesture-play songs as materials of teaching-learning of French seems especially relevant. Another argument in favour of the use of those materials with children from the Traveler communities is that non-verbal communication is an integral part of language and would support language understanding and production, notably to learn prosody and phonology. In view of those elements, gesture-play songs have been created to teach-learn French phonemes perception and production, and correspondence between phonemes and graphemes. This pedagogical material has been tested with children from the Traveler communities by the association Ballade. Their impact has been tested in order to revaluate the didactic proposals.