Summary: | The conducted analysis of the conceptual construct applied in scientific literature to reveal the relationships characterizing the content of the processes of produced equipment maintenance and repair, as complication of technical means, caused by the acceleration of scientific and technical progress, changes requirements for organization of processes of operation, and significantly changes the situation in the relationships between a producer and a consumer at which the priority in economic interests reserves for a consumer. These circumstances could justify the main motivation to create the necessary conditions to develop the service providing the consumer a possibility of optimum alternating choice while buying and using goods, and, in particular, technical and industrial goods. In the market, the crucial factors to buy those goods are to a lesser extend their price and technical operational characteristics than the real ability of the enterprises to provide necessary maintenance and repair during all operation life.The attempt is made to differentiate definitions in relation to technical and industrial goods, cultural goods and household goods. It is offered to define the services connected with satisfaction of human needs as “service, service maintenance”, and to define the services, connected with creation of material assets, as «production service».