Summary: | The study aims to document the settlement, spatial, constructional, and cultural characteristics of Kırklareli rural area to reveal the variations of the region. In addition, the region is a hybrid location with elements from both the Black Sea and inner Anatolia. So, the characteristics of the region are compared with the Black Sea and inner Anatolia.
The method of the study is composed of two phases, first, the effect of environmental features such as natural environment, topography, climate, and the economic situation on settlement and plan and constructional characteristics and material usage of the houses in Kırklareli were documented. Second, the Thrace region's rural characteristics were compared to those of the Black Sea and inner Anatolia.
As a result, the natural environment, geography, climate, and culture all had a role in the formation of rural settlements and houses. (1) Topographical features influenced daily living and agricultural productivity, resulting in changes in settlement structures. (2) The differences in plan characteristics of rural dwellings were mostly influenced by regional climate conditions. The presence, form, and size of common places and open spaces varied based on climate conditions. (3) Local materials used in house construction were influenced by landforms and the natural environment. It has been observed that house construction strategies have altered as a result of the most widely accessible material from the surroundings. (4) Even though there were physical variances between houses due to topographical changes in the area, Turkish people's nomadic culture and Islamic beliefs provided certain similar elements in the houses, such as introversion and privacy. Thrace Rural area contains different settlement, spatial and constructional characteristics due to the differences in its geography. Many rural homes have been abandoned, and there is a risk of becoming lost. Therefore, documentation of authentic characteristics of the rural houses and sites considering environmental features will provide a base for the sustainability of original rural houses and areas.