Summary: | In this review we summarize the methods of estimating the abundance of small mammals. All methods
are grouped into four main categories: 1) methods based on the capture of animals without their subsequent
return to nature; 2) “Capture-recapture” methods, under which the information on the population density is obtained
via the recapture of marked animals. Marking of animals can by performed by toe-clipping, ear marks, and
other means; 3) single capture and marking of animals by radioactive isotopes, transmitters, microchips or fur coloration.
Animals are not recaptured, as the information is collected by visual observations or specific tools. The
data obtained through these methods (area of the habitat, distance of migration, etc.) could be used for estimating
the abundance of animals; 4) indirect methods of estimating the abundance, which are not related to the capture
of animals. The density and species composition of animals are estimated on the basis of the number of animal
tracks, inhabited burrows, castings of birds of prey and other indicators. The review pays special attention to
the development of new methods over the past 15 – 20 years. The ethical problems arising during scientific work
with small mammals in the wild are also discussed.