Summary: | The process of forming regional agro-industrial clusters in the Cherkasy region as a basis for intensifying investment activity in the agrarian sector of the economy, in our view, can be considered as a priority task, the solution of which will contribute to the realization of strategic goals of socio-economic development of the region. At present, the focus on priority acceleration of economic growth and improving the quality of life of the population requires the use of effective methods and techniques of national economy, the modern development of which is characterized by the occurrence of certain crisis phenomena that have a negative impact on the socio-economic model of the country.
In the agricultural sector, a number of agro-industrial units, lacking quality agricultural raw materials, are considering the possibility of creating integrated formations in order to integrate the processes of production of raw materials and finished products and to find means of investing in production processes. For all agro-industrial units, regardless of the form of integration chosen, the key is that they integrate the entire production process - from the agricultural producer to the consumer of the finished product. The members of the system ensure the promotion of the product throughout the technological chain: production - processing - implementation, which ultimately contributes to the effect of crisis management. Without mediocre participation of the state, science, education, developed infrastructure, this technological chain does not produce a positive result. The most relevant and effective tool for crisis management is the cluster approach, recognized in many developed countries, based on taking into account the positive synergistic effects of regional agglomeration, ie geographically adjacent producer and consumer proximity, network effects, application of knowledge and skills at the expense of coaching association.
The purpose of the article is to summarize theoretical and practical approaches to the study of investment activity in the process of formation of agro-industrial clusters and to determine the basic conditions for activation of the investment-innovation component of the cluster policy of agro-industrial production.
One of the ways of intensifying the investment development of regional agro-industrial clusters can be the introduction of innovations. Economic clusters enable the authorities to implement the strategy of socio-economic development of the region in the direction of providing competitive advantages of the economy, introduction of innovations and specialization of the territorial economic system.
The article is devoted to the problem of activation of investment activity of agrarian sector of economy on the basis of formation of regional agro-industrial clusters. Two main organizational and economic models of cluster organization of inter-firm interaction are distinguished: network and centrifugal. It is suggested to use a combined approach to implement the cluster policy.
Production of basic crop and livestock products in agricultural enterprises has been analyzed and positive tendencies for increase of production volume have been identified, except for milk production, which has a negative tendency to decrease.
The model of interaction of the participants of the regional agro-industrial cluster in the conditions of the investment process is developed and its role in activation of the investment activity of the region is substantiated. It has been found that the main driving force of the cluster is the raw material zones of processing enterprises, which serve as the poles of the concentration of factors of production of raw materials and capital and ensure the effective return on investment within the cluster.
The scheme of management of investment-innovation processes of agro-industrial cluster is presented. It is determined that the integration needs to be deepened within the cluster, since agricultural production is not yet ready for consumption.
The level of agricultural investment development, which is steadily increasing, is analyzed, although the region occupies the lowest places among the regions of the country in terms of attracting investment resources. The directions of intensification of investment activity of agrarian production are offered.