Summary: | Abstract Hinterland fragments of Atlantic forests situated in transitional areas are poorly known with respect to the effectsof human impacts on their species composition and regeneration. The purpose of this study was to describe andcharacterize the structure and composition of the tree community of forest remnants located in Itumbiara, GoiásState, Central Brazil, and to analyze their floristic relationship with other areas of seasonal and transitionalvegetation ecotones. Five forest fragments were chosen for tree community sampling. The survey was carried outusing PCQ (point-centered quarter) method and 25 points were distributed along linear transects totalling 125sampling units. Four live trees with circumference at breast height (1.30 m) > 15 cm were recorded at each point.The floristic and phytosociological surveys recorded 149 tree species belonging to 110 genera and 47 families.The analysis of similarity confirmed the ecotonal character with many generalist species and other with occasionaloccurrence in 'Cerrado' (woody savanna) and seasonal forests. The forest remnants in Itumbiara showed a hightree species diversity. In spite of this, the tree community species suggests higher similarity with savanna vegetation.