Summary: | ‘Lafun” was enriched with soy protein supplements (curd or residue) during the mashing before drying at 10%. The amino acid result indicated that enrichment improved the amino acids contents as well as the protein quality of the products. While enrichment generally improved the mineral element composition, enrichment with the residue significantly improved the mineral composition when compared to enrichment curd. That the products were hygienically produced was confirmed by the non-detection of heavy metals which may suggest it safety for human consumption. Condensed tannins, phytate, oxalate, hydrogen cyanide and trypsin inhibitor were tested as possible anti-nutritional factors in the product and the values obtained were within safe level and correlated with those reported in previous or similar studies. It was concluded that enrichment with soy curd/residue is a safe and viable means to improve the nutritional benefits derivable from “Lafun” especially for those that ‘Lafun” is a major staple.