Summary: | The article reveals such urgent problems and areas of environmentalism as modern processes of interaction between production and the environment; increasing the sustainability of the environmental impact of production processes and innovative ways of this influence. The reasons for the need for research in the field of environics based on economic and environmental effects, technological progress, and social aspects are emphasized. The purpose of the study: to identify and reflect current trends in the field of foresight of innovative processes in the environics of production systems; to present the cyclical economic mechanism of innovation and develop a graphical model of foresight innovation in environics with a description of its components, information flows, narrative of the main stages of modeling. Graphical modeling of forecasting breakthrough innovations in the environics of production systems with a description of the narrative of forecasting the stages of foresight of innovations is based on the database of a long-time lag of domestic and foreign research in the field of environics, methods of analyzing data on innovations, their impact on production and the environment. Results. Effective innovative processes in environics are reflected: emission purification technologies; integration of environics into production processes; digitalization and automation; energy efficiency improvement. Examples of possible use of breakthrough innovations in the field of environics in the industrial practice of the Russian Federation are given: smart cities; renewable energy; intelligent waste management systems; smart buildings; environmental monitoring; innovations in the field of water use. The economic mechanism of innovation in the environics of production systems and the factors of creating a digital model for forecasting the foresight of innovation are described. The practical value of the results obtained lies in the accentuated involvement of the scientific community into the acute pressing problems of the environmental efficiency of innovative processes in environics. The conclusions contain a step-by-step narrative of the developed graphical model demonstrating the interrelationships between various aspects of foresight innovation in the environment: from research and development to technological solutions and end products and services, which also reflects the importance of feedback and flows of knowledge and technology to improve and optimize innovation processes. Further research can be aimed at developing cooperation between government, business and society in order to successfully realize the potential of environics and invest in effective innovative industrial and environmental developments.