Summary: | Introduction: Agni is the supreme entity residing in the living being responsible for digestion of four types of Aahaara (food). Jatharagni is the chief among all the categories of Agni, it should be suitably maintained. Ayurveda suggests that there are ample of factors like Manas that affects the normal function of Agni apart from Doshik influences. Objective: Chinta (anxiety) being one of the Manasa Bhava is supposed to have its influence on Agni, article attempts to understand influence of Chinta on Agni with supportive scientific & contemporary views. Data Source: Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya, Modern human physiology textbooks and online data bases. Review Methods: The classical text books were reviewed manually and review was also done by referring various scientific journals and other databases. Results: Vatavruddhi occuring in Chinta can be correlated to activation of sympathetic system. Agnidushti & Samanavayu Dushti occurred in Chinta can be understood as decrease in activity of enzyme secretions and motility of GIT- which are necessary for digestion of food & movement of food in alimentary canal respectively. Thereby Chinta is the reason for impaired digestion of food & generation of different GIT disorders. Conclusion: Analytical review suggests that there is direct relationship of status of Manas(Mind) and Agni (Digestive fire).