Summary: | Lellis Thivagar and Richard introduced the idea of Nano topology as an extension of set theory for such study of intelligent systems with little or imperfect knowledge. The Nano open set consists of the components of a Nano topological space. It is derived from the Greek term 'Nanos,' which means 'dwarf,' in the current scientific meaning, a magnitude of one billionth. The topology is referred to as a Nano topology due to its small size, since it has no more than five components. Lellis Thivagar has carried out Nutrition Modeling Through Nanotopology directions, some of which were shown in his pioneering work. This article discusses the implementation of nanotopological structures to enable knowledge reduction in real-world scenarios. Couroupita guianensis's Ayurvedic usage of Immunobooster, antifungal, antibacterial, Skin infection, hypertension, tumor, snake bite, malaria. The chemical ingredient of C. guianensis, numerous studies have indicated that extracts derived from various sections of CG have a considerable antioxidant activity. Leaf, stem, as well as flower extracts demonstrated varied DPPH, hydrogen peroxide, nitric oxide, and hydroxyl radical scavenging properties. Almost every component of the tree has been Ayurvedic utilised to cure a variety of diseases. In mathematically using Nano topological spaces we can identify which parts the plant mostly cure antifungal, and antibacterial activities. After that one more applications of regarding Covid-19 virus. The WHO verified on 12 January 2020 that a new coronavirus was responsible for a cluster of respiratory illnesses in a cluster of persons in Wuhan, Hubei, China, which has been notified to the WHO on 31 December 2019. India announced its first incidence of COVID-19 at Thrissur, Kerala, on 30 January 2020, India is Cases: 43,018,032 and death cases 520,885 and Recovered: 42,480,436.After third wave of covid 19 now normal functioned happened. WHO and Indian government defined covid safety measures like Wear mask, Don't skip vaccinations, avoid touching his or her eyes, nose, and mouth, maintain a physical distance from the others, and vaccinations of all the people. Now using nano topological spaces which are main core component identified by nano topological spaces.