Summary: | This article derives from an international collaboration between the UFRN and BITRA (Bibliography in Interpreting and Translation – University of Alicante, Spain) in which, given the paucity of data about academic production dealing with Brazilian Translation Studies (TS), we attempt to throw some light about the nature and evolution of TS in Brazil. Our main aim is to present a critical overview of TS in Brazil based on the mining of doctoral theses submitted to Brazilian federal, state or private universities. To this end, we mined BITRA, institutional repositories, the IBICT and the theses and dissertations repository of the CAPES. The systematization of the data was performed following the structure of BITRA, which will be presented in this article together with other bibliometric methodological criteria. As a result, we identified 374
Ph.D. theses dealing with TS and submitted to Brazilian universities, all of which will comprise our main corpus.