Summary: | In the course of the study, geoinformation resources were created for the rural areas of the Belgorod region. The created GIS consists of a system of hierarchically subordinate sections of rural territories of the Belgorod region - agrolandscapes of Strigunovsky (Borisovsky district), as well as Obukhovsky (Starooskolsky urban district) and Dolgopolyansky (Starooskolsky district) rural settlements. The results of ecological and geochemical studies were used as databases and thematic cartographic tools reflecting the natural resource potential, socio-economic and ecological-hygienic situation. The study of the spatial and temporal characteristics of the degree of anthropogenic pressure in rural areas of the Belgorod region on the example of Strigunovsky (Borisovsky district), Obukhovsky (Starooskolsky urban district) and Dolgopolyansky (Starooskolsky district) rural settlements, as well as adjacent agricultural landscapes using Earth remote sensing materials, made it possible to differentiate studied territories. 4 zones are identified - high anthropogenic load (residential and outbuildings of a rural settlement), medium anthropogenic load (agricultural land and other anthropogenic objects), natural frame (territories occupied by green vegetation), water bodies.