Summary: | For using line elements (horizontal and slope distances, heights differences) of a missing (unaccessible) line structure their accuracy are needed. Accuracy analysis of missing hori zontal distances.In some standing geodetic general practice most effective instruments for land measurement from selects going measuring instruments they are geodetic total stations. These apparatures thanks its universal accomplishment and special function make possible measure wide spectrum quantity and following they at its computer trough meet rountines outfit calculate further parameters. GTS fit not only on different genera three dimensional networks on much good level. Make possible straight measure oblique length D, zenit angle Z, horizontal angle ù and indirectly measure: horizontal length d, trigonometrical hights ∆h, length and level elements for failure parties (missing line) and coordinate distinction, respectively position data identification dot.From this auditorium service GTS is indeed actual investigate precision they indirectly measurement quantity. Precision straight measurement quantity (D,Z,ù) is for these instruments whenever known (statement manufacturer in shape primer standard divergence alternatively empirical standard divergence discovery employer) respectively well objective too in various conditions. Indirectly measurement parametres they are indeed from mathematical auditorium action straight measurement quantity, and so too their precision, which ours interest, myself produce following activity style and effect (transferred) their varians.Introduction treatise toward question accurancy of measurement GTS myself orientate just on research precision indirectly measurement (according) quantity.