Summary: | At present the world’s largest sample of 1.3 billion J/ψ events was accumulated at the BESIII detector, which offers a unique place to study light meson decays. The recent results on the light meson decays are reviewed in this talk. An emphasis is put on the significant progresses on the study of η/η′ decays, including Dalitz plot analysis of η/η′ → πππ, observation of new decay modes (η′ → π+π−π+(0)π−(0), η′ → ρ±π∓, η′ → γe+e− and η′ → e+e−ω), study of η′ → γπ+π− and search for the rare decay of η′ → Kπ. In addition, a prospect on the Dalitz plot analysis of ω → π+π−π0 is presented.