Summary: | Dewa Ruci is one of the original Indonesian classical mythologies containing educational values that have been socialized for a hundred years through traditional Wayang performances and considered as guidance in behavior. This research will discuss the educational value contained in Dewa Ruci that is beneficial for Generation Z and how graphic narratives may allow the message to be more easily accepted. This research uses a qualitative research approach. Firstly, will explain the research result from the previous researcher in the field of graphic narrative and its role in education. As a comparative study, the analysis carried out towards visualization and narration contained in three Dewa Ruci comics from three different eras to become references and as initial evidence that graphic narrative can be used as an alternative solution. Then, the explanation will be given towards the content of the classic mythology that is relevant as character education and graphic narrative as alternative media to deliver the educational content from the classic mythology can be suggested. This research aims to provide an overview of the importance of adopting educational content on classic mythology and to understand the suitable media to deliver educational content that matches current learning requirements and Generation Z characteristics.