Summary: | Introduction: Cystic hygroma, a benign congenital malformation of the lymphatic system occurs as a result of sequestration or obstruction of developing lymph vessels. Eighty to 90% of cystic hygromas present before the end of the second year of life and are rare in adults. We present a case of 25 years old male with painless neck mass on right side for past 5 years. Case presentation: A twenty-five-years male presented with painless neck swelling ∼13 x 12 × 11 cm3 in right side of neck for past 5 years. The swelling was rapidly growing over past 2 years which resulted difficulty in neck movements. He underwent contrast enhanced computed tomography scans along with angiography and fine needle aspiration cytology. Based on clinical, radiological and cytological finding diagnosis of cystic hygroma was made. Mass was excised via transverse cervical incision with uneventful intraoperative and post-operative period. Diagnosis of cystic hygroma was confirmed by histopathological examination. Conclusion: Cystic hygromas though rare in adult population should be considered in differential diagnosis in adult neck masses. It is essential to evaluate intrathoracic extension of cystic hygroma with the help of different imaging modalities. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice and it may risk vital structures, such as the sympathetic chain, carotid sheath content, and branches of the hypoglossal, lingual and the facial nerves.