Summary: | Pucang Gading Housing Complex is an area within the Village Batursari, District of Demak with a population of 2018 as many as 44,257 inhabitants.Raw water service system Mranggen Unit is divided into 5 areas of service (service area Mranggen, Batursari I, Batursari II, Batursari III and Kebon) which utilize raw water source of water treatment plant (IPA Waru) and 8 Wells In a total discharge of 120 liter/second.The number of home connections in Pucang Gading area is currently 3,374 house connections, with a total water usage 14.25 liter/second Water discharges from clean water sources in Pucang Gading region are currently not maximally available to supply water to Pucang Gading service area. In this research will know the problems and readiness that exist by looking from the achievement of Medium Term Development Plan of Demak Regency Year 2016-2021. This research uses SWOT analysis method that is internal and external factors.The selection of raw water sources for drinking water should pay attention to aspects of quality, quantity and continuity. Demak Regency has the potential of surface water either river/ reservoir/dam.The problems and challenges of drinking water supply include issues of safe access to water supply, and regulation of groundwater utilization for the community.