Resumo: | The aim of the article. The article deals with the problem of technological package management. Based on the concept of integrated innovation we consider the evolutionary approach for technology package management. Directions of evaluation process of package are presented. Scheme of improving of technological package is proposed. The process of technological package development is considered in case of development of granulation equipment that includes a variety of technologies, which are incorporated into the technological package “Granulator”. For technological package development the technology package lifecycle, technology map of package and technology trajectory are interrelated considered.
The results of the analysis. The technology package we propose to consider as a kind of system, the development of which is evolutionary. According to UNIDO recommendations [8] analysis of acceptability of technology includes an assessment of technical and economic features of technology package in context of production in national environment. As a basic tool of technology package development authors propose to consider technology transfer as part of integrated innovation approach. Enterprises of modern sectors, especially high-tech, at the same time use a large number of technologies, distributed according to functional application, but only some of these technologies are critical in terms of specialization. Therefore, for management technology package authors propose to divide into the classes with appropriate management instruments (optimization object and development strategy).
The authors investigated such key product indicators of granulation systems technological trajectory analysis:
– dimensions and performance, reliability and ease of operation;
– product criterias;
– versatility – one granulator may be established to work with different performance and wide range of products;
– ecological purity – waste formation during granulation should be minimized and waste gases should not be contaminated to environment.
Based on classic presentation of technological trajectory they have made the technological trajectory of analyzed package. According it for the further development of granulation technology of porous ammonium nitrate granulation in fluidized bed technology is performed.
Conclusions and further research directions. The improvement of the technological package as complicated system is subject to the existing or predictable market demands and in accordance with available resources. In this context the area of responsibility spans the ownership of technology package roadmap, shaping package governance processes, and day-to-day management oversight of technology project package for one or more functional areas. This includes actively planning various aspects of technology package including resource availability, budget allocation and project sequencing in order to best deliver the package to our business commitments and against operational constraints. An important advantage of technological package development is project approach that implies a systematically and strategic vision of situation. In further researches we`ll consider the problem of optimization the process of roadmapping and the main technological trajectory optimization, especially multidimensional optimization (resources, R&D directions, technologies, products).