Summary: | The present paper gives a diachronic presentation of the connections between three organizations – the Y.M.C.A (Young Men's Christian Association), the A.S.C.R. (Asociația Studențească Creștină din România[The Christian Student Association of Romania])and the U.N.S.C.R. (Uniunea Națională a Studenților Creștini din România [the National Union of Christian Students of Romania]). The pluridimensional (theological, cultural and political) research aims to describe the implications and mutual interests in their dynamics, to the extent that these can be reconstructed based on scrutiny of the Siguranţă [Secret Service] Archives and of the press of the time. Needless to say the present paper does not lay claim to an exhaustive analysis of this topic, but tries to reconstruct the circumstances of Alexandru Teodorescu’s (aka Sandu Tudor) evolution within these organisations. Besides, in order to understand the existential trajectory of a human being, particularly an exceptional one (such as our subject), in order to understand his options, decisions and how they were taken, it is important to look at the environment, the people he lived among, the sympathies and animosities shown, etc. Therefore, the documentary sources will be filtered according to these objectives and the paper will especially focus on the way the Orthodox Church was present (experienced, perceived) among the student population.