Summary: | A 55-year-old male presented, in June 2013, with left flank pain. Investigations revealed a complete staghorn stone. He had undergone two sittings of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) in 2008 for left renal stone. One year subsequent to this, he was diagnosed with hypertension and diabetes. The management of complete staghorn stones in a single sitting is a difficult proposition. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is the gold standard to manage such stones. The patient was subjected to PCNL, and complete clearance was achieved in one sitting. On one-year follow-up, there was a significant reduction in blood pressure (BP) and better glycemic control. Although there are several reports where hypertension has been reported after multiple sittings of ESWL, whether ESWL contributed to the genesis of hypertension and diabetes in this patient or it was simply incidental, cannot be stated with certainty. There was a significant reduction in the BP after complete stone removal, but there is uncertainty over the effect of total clearance of renal stones on hypertension, and we need to await the results of more controlled trials studying this phenomenon. A better glycemic control was perhaps achieved secondary to the eradication of recurrent urinary tract infections due to complete stone clearance.