Summary: | INTRODUCTION[|]Suicidal behavior is serious public health problem. Interpersonal Psychological Theory of Suicide-IPT tells that feelings of thwarted belongingness and perceived burden someness are composed of two perceptions that make people tend to suicide. But the theory argues that will is not sufficient for occurrence of a suicidal behaviour. Individual must have acquired capability for suicide as well. Recently it is seen that IPT is a theorethical framework that is frequently used in suicide researches. The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Turkish versions of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ) and Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale -Fearlessness about Death (ACSS-FAD).[¤]METHODS[|]Data were collected from 409 university students. Participants filled in the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire and Acquired Capability for Suicide-Fearlessness for Death scale together with Suicide Probability Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, Beck Hopelessness Scale, Perceived Stress Scale, Abdel-Khalek Death Anxiety Scale, Eating Attitudes Test and Zarit Caregiver Burden Scale.[¤]RESULTS[|]The Turkish Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire and the Acquired Capability for Suicide- Fearlessness about Death scale demonstrated adequate psychometric properties. Both had high internal consistency and test-retest reliabilities. The factor structures were shown to be the same as in their original forms. Both scales demonstrated highly adequate convergent and divergent validity.[¤]DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION[|]The results of the present study have revealed that the Turkish versions of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ) and Acquired Capability for Suicide Scale-Fearlessness about Death (ACSS-FAD) are reliable and valid instruments for measuring the constructs of the Interpersonal Psychological Theory of suicide. Therefore, we conclude that the two measuring instruments may contribute to the suicidological research and clinical practice in Turkey.[¤]